Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Sigh, I'm slaking again. 

School started and I have not gotten any sleep. I finally took an AP class like I wish to last semester. I'm happy, but still not enough. Sometimes, I think I request a little too much for myself. If I got a 80/100 in a test, I wanted a 90. When I got a 90/100, I want a 100. Finally, I got myself a 100, I still don't think I'm smart enough. Same goes to this issue. I wanted more than 1 AP classes. Is that a little too much? I kept questioning myself if I could handle everything nicely and smoothly. 

Being able to study in US has already made my dream come true. But still, I wanted more than that. I wanted to be a successful woman in my family. I don't have a family everyone wish to have; a wealthy family. Sometimes I just want to die. My mom has all her hopes on me and it gets me nervous even when I'm thinking about it. Who's gonna help me?

Things aren't going so well recently and I do not wish to talk about it. I'm hoping for more work to do in school so that my mind wouldn't have time to think about home. 

I found this picture on Tumblr and it encouraged me. I hope to share it with everyone of you who is reading my blog. 

Don't give up if you're facing difficulties! You will fall when you're running, but you could stand up and run again. Have faith. 

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